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Surprising no-one, Glenn Beck, after joining the recent conservative delegation to Facebook, has defended the social network and its progressive CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, while attacking fellow conservatives for being too demanding of the company.

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After watching the video below, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, wrote there "is nothing more corrupt than 'democratic capitalism.' Ameri

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While David Koch, and his brother Charles, are frequently associated with Republican and conservative causes, David was the Libertarian Party's vice-presidential candidate in 1980. He also sits on the board of the Cato Institute, the nation's mos

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Tens of thousands of Central Americans, many of them unaccompanied children and teenagers, have flooded into the US illegally in recent years: they are a growing part of a human tsunami that has hit the southern border and caused what many refer to a

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Now that Mary Matalin and the mainstream media have mentioned the Libertarian Party as a possible alternative to the Republicrat Party, already there is misinformation about what libertarianism actually is.

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Ever since Sen. Ted Cruz suspended his campaign and Donald Trump essentially secured the Republican nomination, certain elements of Conservative Inc. have been flailing about attempting to promote the idea of a third party challenge to Donald Trump a

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Anonymous congressman writes tell-all and slams 'nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep' as he admits he never reads bills he votes on

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During a lengthy interview on CNBC the week before last, Donald Trump, fresh from becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, came as close as any major presidential contender ever has to saying that America is not capable of repaying her debts in f

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Elections in the Philippines can be very funny. The candidates often try to connect with their electorate by taking recourse to singing and dancing. Cutting bawdy jokes and making funny faces or dressing outrageously comes very readily to politicians

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I was struck by a tweet from libertarian Republican congressman Justin Amash, who has become the "new Ron Paul" now that the three-time presidential candidate and libertarian icon has taken a well-deserved rest from politics.

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Here's how Hillary Clinton plans to beat Donald Trump: She will replay the very successful 1964 campaign against Barry Goldwater. That is, she will scare the bejeezus out of Americans by describing Trump as a "loose cannon," someone who cannot

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Fault lines: GOP civil war deepens … Donald Trump is poised to breeze through another round of primary contests this week -- while the Republican Party splinters around him. Trump's ascent to the top of the GOP, which was capped last week with T
