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The latest attack on Donald Trump from Pravda (the mainstream media) is that we can't trust him with the nuclear codes. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw nukes. Hillary helped start illegal wars in Libya and Syria, resulting in murde

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WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange on Wednesday night promised to leak "thousands" of document pages pertaining to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic National Committee and the presidential election.

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In a Public Policy Polling survey, quite a few Texans say they'll vote for Harambe for president in November. If you haven't looked at the Internet in a while, Harambe was a gorilla fatally shot by a zookeeper after a toddler fell into his pen, b

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Get ready for the era of The Bitch. If Hillary Clinton wins the White House in November, it will be a historic moment, the smashing of the preeminent glass ceiling in American public life. A mere 240 years after this nation's founding, a woman wil