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Donald Trump, Republican Party Savior


Those who got Donald Trump totally wrong in the nomination process, still have not figured out why.

Thus, it's no surprise they are still wrong now.

I propose,  that instead of being the demise of the Republican party, Donald Trump will be its savior.

Still Not Getting It

Let's kick the discussion off with Nate Silver's analysis Why Republican Voters Decided On Trump.

Donald Trump is going to win the Republican nomination. If you'd told me a year ago that Trump would be the nominee, I'd have thought you were nuts.

For a candidate like Trump to win the nomination, it means that several things have gone wrong — both for the Republican Party and in the assumptions we made about how party nominations work. The other day, I summed up the three most important such factors as follows:

Silver Trump3

What happened after Wisconsin? My theory as of a couple weeks ago — and having not gotten so many other things about the Republican race right, I'm sticking to it — is that Republican voters were swayed by Trump's arguments that the candidate with the most votes and delegates should be the nominee.

Sticking With Dead Wrong

Simply put, Silver is sticking with analysis that has been dead wrong. But here's the clincher.

Silver says "Usually a party picks a nominee who is both reasonably 'electable' and who upholds its traditional policy positions."

The second half of that sentence actually makes sense. The first shows Silver's blatant bias.

The entire step of the way, Silver concluded Trump is not "reasonably electable".

What Went Wrong?

Actually, nothing went wrong except Silver's analysis. Silver ignored a massive (and obvious) attitude change.

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