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The Cato Institute is seeking to hire a scholar to study and critique federal spending policies. The expert would examine particular spending programs and overall spending levels through studies, op-eds, blogs, media appearances, and contributions to

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Sean’s Outpost, Bitcoin Not Bombs, and Fr33 Aid have used Bitcoin to feed, clothe, and medically aid those in need on the local and global levels. Accepting Bitcoin makes for swift confirmation times that allow charities to get the funds they need im

Article Image, Tess Pennington

As some of you know, I’ve been prepping for a several years now. Believe me when I say that I have probably made every prepping mistake in the book.

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Quit for Peace is a decentralized network of volunteers, dedicated to serving the cause of peace by helping soldiers and other government employees make the transition to a peaceful lifestyle.

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Indeigogo Campaign - Dark Wallet is a light browser wallet relying on an independent Bitcoin implementation with out-of-the-box security and privacy features. Release early 2014.

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Houses on Kin’s Domains are built from natural materials that don’t burden the environment or people’s health. Such houses are built with regard to elements of architectural heritage of the region, and on the principle of “low impact housing”, using

Article Image, by Dr. Ken O'Neal

The principal difference in this Forced Vaccination Protocol from the Immune System Booster Protocol is the intensity and amounts of supplements taken for a shorter period … say one week. If a vaccination were forced upon me or a family member, I wou

Article Image, By Scott Matthews

Many of us can't imagine any better way to spend the day than traipsing around in the outdoors, hiking through the hills, stalking the wily red squirrel, or sitting on a river bank watching a line baited for a big catfish.