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Peace Officer Jack McLamb is in intensive care

Written by Subject: How to Help
This notice was sent to be by a friend of a friend and is posted here so that you will know...

"Dear caring friends of Jack McLamb -
This message requires no response, but is sent only to advise of a current situation, and to ask you to join with us in special prayer for Jack, and also for Angie.
Yesterday, Monday morning, Jack collapsed at home while Angie was assisting him in the shower.  He was rushed to a hospital in Evansville, Indiana, and as of now, 24 hours later, Jack remains under intensive care.  While it took paramedics only 7 minutes to arrive at the home where they administered CPR immediately, it is feared that Jack may have been without oxygen for a few intervening moments, and hence a concern about possible brain damage.  Let us all hope and pray not.
Again, all we are asking at this time is for your prayer support.  We trust that from within his (totally healthy and wide awake!) inner spirit, Jack will be fully able to receive, appreciate and be blessed by this outpouring of loving support.  Thank you, and God bless you each and all for it.  We will try to send updates as available.
Theresa and Bob Huebner,
Jean and Jim Hisaw and
Carol Asher
Thank you."
Please, pray for him and pray for his family. Post any updates you may have on my FB page:
Ron Neil
Dollar DVD
Project Liberty


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ron Neil
Entered on:

Dear friends of Jack McLamb, It is with much deep sentiment that we write to advise that our much beloved friend and brother, Jack McLamb, passed away on Saturday, late afternoon, Indiana time. Though he is missed far more than any words can say, all who loved him are grateful to know that Jack is at last freed from the physical disabilities that increasingly plagued him, especially in these past few years. For the blessed relief that has come to him, we certainly have great reason to rejoice. We now join with Jack's wife, Angie, and all his family in extending our deepest gratitude to each and all of you who, by means of your continuous outpouring of love and prayer, provided such comfort and upliftment, particularly during this past very difficult week - - and we can't help but feel somehow that all of that love and blessing was received personally by Jack as well, on the level of his inner spirit. Now that "Officer Friendly" is once again "back in the greatest of form" himself, be ready to receive the thanks and Blessings he's likely to send you! A number of memorial services are being planned for Jack, the most immediate one taking place this coming week in SW Indiana. Should anyone be close enough to that area and wish to attend, feel free to contact us, by way of this email address or by calling (208) 935-7852, for further information. Concerning the other memorials to be held, we will advise later on. Thank you again, and may God richly bless you all. Bob and Theresa Huebner Jim and Jean Hisaw, and Carol Asher

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