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Long Term Storage Foods

The following guidelines and resources are provided by Ed's Lawyer, Matthew Peed. As usual, time is of the essence so please take a moment this weekend to complete this task. If not, continued submissions will be valuable going forward.

Article Image, J.G. Martinez D

Being a conscientious dad, I have always believed that education and experience are the best assets to leave our kids. Of course, I do not mean just regular, institutional education. I mean, teaching self-sufficiency to our children. Public school te

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Homefront Battle Buddies

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit building a community to serve America's Veterans. We are developing our organization to facilitate all manners of alternative therapies, support homeless Veterans, provide benefits consulting, and a range of critical se

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Paul Craig Roberts

Homeland Security has labeled dissidents from the official Covid narrative "domestic extremists" and intends to silence us in some authoritarian way once the brainwashed and fearful population consents.

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Awaken With JP

You might feel frustrated, furious, and heartbroken over the Afghanistan disaster. But you don't have to feel helpless anymore! Here's how you can help! With Special Forces Serviceman Tim Kennedy

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David Martin World -

Welcome to We The People, Humanity's Network. Join us as we take a deep dive into some of humanity's greatest challenges and discuss potential solutions with Dr. David Martin and James Purpura. For more information follow us on the web at www.activ
