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David McElroy

Citizens of all 50 states have petitioned the White House seeking to secede. Ron Paul has delivered us his magnum opus on liberty in farewell. It is time to foreclose on Uncle Sam!

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CNS News

[This has been removed from CNS.] “We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,” long-time Native American radical leader Russell Means said.

McElroy's Musings

David McElroy

Perhaps we can once again be that “Shining City on a Hill”, the bastion of Truth, Justice, and Liberty for all. But we must not flinch in rising to meet the challenge. We need real men, warriors running to the battle. Where is Spartacus?

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The south's independence follows decades of conflict with the north in which some 1.5 million people died. Celebrations in Juba began at midnight (2100 GMT). A countdown clock in the city centre reached zero and the new national anthem was played

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Members of the state Legislature, including Arizona's de facto governor, Senate President Russell Pearce, have introduced a bill that essentially would have Arizona secede from the union without having to do so officially.It's called SB1433, It cre

David McElroy

Corporatism is killing us! It permeates government. We must know our enemy and never permit it to invade a state of freedom to which we must secede! Live free or die!

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David McElroy

The elite find us obsolete and risky in view of our increasing awareness of their deceitful oppression. They aim to replace us with "enhanced" humans!

David McElroy

The United States of America, aka the District of Criminals, is a gigantic fraud we have been falsely taught to revere as a lawful represenmtative and accountable taxing authority wielding great powers of police and military forces to achieve goals w

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Pittsburgh Gazette

"The only hope is to just say, 'Look, this isn't working for us. We want to start fresh again, with a real democracy,' " Mr. Garritano said. "I think that's the answer. Hopefully, it won't take another horrible economic breakdown to realize t

News Link • Global Reported By Steve Freedom
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“If the federal government has the exclusive right to judge the extent of its own powers, warned the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions’ authors it will continue to grow – regardless of elections, the separation of powers, and other much-touted limi

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Tim Case for

I am sure there are many in the United States who have never read (or heaven forbid, studied) the Antifederalist papers. If they had we may have averted the present governmental albatross which is choking the life out of our society.

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Russell D. Longcore for

Seems to me that we have either ignored or simply missed a very vital component of liberty in our discussions and writings about secession...or about the Second Amendment. That very vital component is the existence and use of force.

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