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Article Image, By RAPHAEL MINDER

The escalating confrontation over Catalonia's independence drive took its most serious turn on Saturday as Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy of Spain announced he would remove the leadership of the restive region and initiate a process of direct rule by

Article Image by Ryan McMaken

Earlier this week, The New York Times noted that movements for greater local autonomy appear to be spreading throughout Europe. In some ways, the conflict in Catalonia is just the tip of the iceberg. The Times reports:

Article Image, by Mike Krieger

While I've touched on the Catalan independence movement in several recent posts, I want to make one thing clear from the start. I don't have a strong opinion on whether or not independence is the right move for the region and its people.

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Many people in Catalonia wish to secede from Spain and form their own country, but the Spanish government has used force to block them from doing so. What should libertarians think of this conflict? In trying to answer this question, it is useful to

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BARCELONA/MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia's secessionist leader on Monday faced increased pressure to abandon plans to declare the region independent from Spain, with France and Germany expressing support for the country's unity.

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Catalonia's drive for "independence" has unleashed a chain reaction of viral social media support that's frighteningly resurrected civil war-era rhetoric, but the most dangerous consequences of this domino effect are yet to come if the separa

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While division between both political parties has been accepted as a norm for decades, we have witnessed a level of intensity in 2017 that has dwarfed anything remotely similar in recent American history. While it appears to be boiling over, perhaps

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Given the transcendent nature of this moment, we thought it would be a good time to summarize how we arrived at this point and to explain the special nature of the decision that Catalan Parliament took on Wednesday, September 6th.