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Vaccines and Vaccinations

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Article Image By DR Joseph Mercola

When Stephanie de Garay allowed her three children to sign up for Pfizer's COVID-19 shot trial, she assumed the worst that could happen was anaphylactic shock -- and in that case, they'd be treated with an EpiPen and be fine. From her daughter

Article Image by Dr Naomi Wolf

Emails Between White House and Big Tech Focus on Social Media Warnings of mRNA Vaccination Damage to Menstruation. Did WH Censor Harms to Women?

Article Image by Ethan Huff

Trudeau threatens that covid tyranny will return this fall if 90% booster shot compliance isn't achieved

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Korin Miller - Prevention

COVID-19 vaccines have been effective at keeping people from getting severely ill and dying from the virus, but they've required different boosters to try to keep on top of all of the coronavirus variants that have popped up. Now, researchers have

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