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Article Image, By Alasdair Macleod

Few mainstream commentators understand the seriousness of the economic and monetary situation. from a V-shaped rapid return to normality towards a more prolonged recovery phase.

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https://thefallingdarkness.comBy Alasdair Macleod

This article asserts that infinite money-printing is set to destroy fiat currencies far quicker than might be generally thought. This final act of monetary destruction follows a 98% loss of purchasing power for dollars since the London gold pool fail

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

The Constitution made it crystal clear what the official money of the United States was to be when it called the federal government into existence. That money was to be gold coins and silver coins, not paper money.

Article Image by Jared Dillian

Doing "whatever it takes" to save the global economy from the coronavirus pandemic is going to cost a lot of money. The U.S. government alone is spending a few trillion dollars, and the Federal Reserve is creating another few trillion dollars to

Article Image, Mish

Hi Mish, I am working on an article for CoinDesk about recent fiscal and monetary splurge by governments and central banks across the globe and the impact on gold and bitcoin. As I see, a majority of analysts and economists are calling

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

The Constitution made it crystal clear what the official money of the United States was to be when it called the federal government into existence. That money was to be gold coins and silver coins, not paper money.

Article Image by Ben Swann

In light of the Fed printing a new $4 Trillion dollars and Congress passing multi-trillion dollar bills, I want to introduce you to the Goldback and Could this currency which isn't just backed by gold but actually has gold inside of it

Article Image, Tyler Durden

In this interview Daniel Lacalle explains why the fundamentals for gold are stronger each day, and why silver and palladium should not be ignored in the current crisis.

Article Image, Tyler Durden

As much as I hate to invoke The Ayn Rand lest I give off the impression I'm some kind of Objectivist, which I am most certainly not, the engine of the world is coming to a halt.