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Samuele Landi lived in international waters for over a year. A storm ended his seastead experiment and caused three deaths. What does this mean for seasteading?

Article Image - Bowne Report

Tensions are high as a wide open border floods Texas cities with military aged males, criminals, and potential terrorists that has citizens on edge as the Biden Administration demands the UN NGO Soros engineered invasion continue at all costs.

Article Image - Karen Kwiatkowski

Gonzalo Lira, an American citizen and global reporter, died this week in a Kharkov prison eight months after he was arrested for the crime of speaking the truth about what was happening in Ukraine.

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Ron Paul Institute - Daniel McAdams

One call from the White House or State Department could have saved California-born journalist Gonzalo Lira's life.

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Writer-producer-developer Norman Lear, who revolutionized American comedy with such daring, immensely popular early-'70s sitcoms as "All in the Family" and "Sanford and Son," died on Tuesday. He was 101.
