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Article Image, Tyler Durden

There's another 'epidemic' ripping through America that, for many on Wall Street, is just as terrifying as COVID-19... and this time The Fed is to blame.

Article Image by Prasanthi Ramakrishna

The United States death toll from the novel coronavirus has steadily increased in the last few days, with over 2, 200 COVID- 19 deaths, and more than half of the deaths in the last three days alone.

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https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

According to news reports New Yorkers are leaving the city transporting with them the virus to other states, principally Florida. President Trump announced that he was considering locking New Yorkers in place but said he hoped not to do that.

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Scott Gottlieb is a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (from 2017 to 2019). I don't trust him completely. On his Twitter page he lists affiliations with Pfizer, Illumina, Aetion, Inc. and Tempus Labs. So the dude is cashing in

Article Image, Mish

The Rhode Island National Guard started going door to door on Saturday in coastal areas to inform any New Yorkers who may have come to the state that they must self-quarantine for 14 days while Gov. Gina Raimondo expanded the mandatory self-quarantin

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