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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

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Those reporters who persistently challenge the orthodoxy of belief, who question and examine the reigning political passions, always tacitly embraced by the commercial media, are often banished. There is a constant battle in newsrooms...

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Does it really matter if any pro athlete takes drugs? Why not throw Babe Ruth out of the Baseball Hall of Fame for drinking sixteen beers the night before a World Series opener? Or Ditto Mickey Mantle for that, plus smoking two packs of Marlboros...

Had the misfortune of watching MSNBC today and their chief foreign reporter, Richard Engel, on the events in Egypt. Right before cutting to the White House's press conference, Mr. Engel remarked with surprise as to why people were outraged that acces

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Oh yeah, all the crap that has been spewed this past week about how violent the RIGHT is in their political speaking has definitely been amazing; if not enlightening. That they can take the obviously insane acts of a verifiably mentally deranged hum

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Why are we so busy climbing over or using the bodies of our fallen American victims to make political hay when there really isn't much to be had? Why are we using their blood as the paint on the canvas of political attack artwork that we'll all loo

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Did we really expect anything different? Did we expect that the left leaning media, who hasn't had anyone to really target over the last few years besides fast moving and hard to hit bloggers and people in the minority in Congress, wouldn't just bu
