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IPFS News Link • MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

NYT: Arrest of IMF's Most Magnificent Man Seen as Ending the World


Talks in Greek Crisis at Key Juncture ... The arrest of the head of the International Monetary Fund in New York on Saturday comes at an especially sensitive time for its most high-profile project: saving Greece from default ... After last year's rescue of Greece, I.M.F. and European officials have now, for the most part, accepted that Greece will require another 60 billion euros in aid in order to see it through 2011 and 2012. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the I.M.F. managing director, who was taken off an airplane destined for Paris and charged with attempted rape, had been reportedly due to meet on Sunday with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and to attend meetings in Brussels on Monday to discuss Portugal's economic crisis. – New York Times 

Dominant Social Theme: The fall of this titan is almost too much to bear. It couldn't come at a worse time. Who can replace him?

Free-Market Analysis: The mainstream media was in visible mourning yesterday with dominant social themes and sub dominant social themes pummeling the innocent Western world. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, whose alleged predilection for forcible seduction was apparently an open secret, was removed from a plane over the weekend and charged with sexual assault in America. With this simple act, American law enforcement unleashed a thousand elite memes, as Helen of Troy once was responsible for a thousand ships.