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MEDIA (MainStreamMedia - aka MSM)

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The Market Ticker

Paul Crudele asks: "What did Hank know and when did he know it?" If Paulson passed any of those thoughts on to people who could (and did) profit from it, then that would have been very illegal inside information.

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Source: Corbett Report.  In an interview released today by Digg and the Wall Street Journal, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was pressured about the growing popular movement to Audit the Fed spearheaded by Texas Congressman Ron Paul. A visibly uncomfortable Geithner attempts to dismiss the question by stating "I'm sure people understand that you want to keep politics out of monetary policy." When Geithner is again pressed on the issue, he makes the stunning assertion that conducting an audit of the Federal Reserve—something never before done in its 96 year history—is a "line that we don't want to cross," proclaiming that such a move would be "problematic for the country."

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It looks like the government is preparing to come to the rescue of the mainstream media. You know the media that is soooo last century and getting its head handed to it by the media of the 21st century. The Feds are preparing to use the Federal Trade Commission, copyright and tax laws to attack the new media outlets.   It seems the corporate state is willing to go to any length to preserve those outlets that unquestioningly parrot the government's lies.

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Andy Birkey

In an interview with AM 1280 on Saturday, Rep. Michele Bachmann announced that she will have Rep. Ron Paul as her guest for a September town hall forum in St. Cloud.

“I’ll be doing another town hall up in the St. Cloud area in September and we’ll do that on monetary policy. Ron Paul is going to come in and we are going to host something on monetary policy,” Bachmann said.

Bachmann is a convert to the Ron Paul movement, sometimes attending the congressman’s weekly lunches.

“I especially want to speak to the 19- to 20-year olds so they can know what there future will be under this level of debt accumulation and spending,” she added about the forum. “They need to know their future. And so I’m bringing him in so we can have a discussion on monetary policy.”


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Big Hollywood

So on Tuesday, we did a segment on this black dude who showed up in Arizona where Barack Obama was speaking – with an assault weapon and a pistol strapped to his shoulder. We all pretty much agreed, that despite his actions being legal, it was still idiotic. There are many things in life that are legal, but totally nuts if done at the wrong time. For example, when I shower I’m completely naked – no law against that. However, try showing up nude at a Jonas Brothers lunch box signing – that’s another story (I blame it on the Ambien).videos

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Riehl World View

I imagine many of you have seen this by now. Several conservative bloggers, including Hot Air, RedState, and NewsBusters, have taken MSNBC to task for not identifying a man with a gun at an Obama event as an African-American in a segment that discussed the "racial overtones" of those packing heat at presidential town halls. A combination of fancy editing and fast talking, both done stupidly because it's MSNBC (If a moron can make it in this business, hey, why not you?). As expected, MSNBC just sloughs it off:

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The Huffington Post

In the swirling mass of news coverage and opinion-making on the issues of the day (Gates arrest, health care reform, birthers, etc.) we're seeing the convergence of various anti-Obama attack lines. In addition to the racial undertones of the birther movement, one theme gaining traction on the right in light of the Gates arrest is that Obama is racist:

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The last time we saw CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen, she was arguing with folks at the April 15 Tea Party in Chicago claiming the event was "anti-government, anti-CNN [and] highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox."

Although CNN officials won't blame the decision specifically on this event, the network has decided not to renew her contract.


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Pro Liberate

Lest it be thought that I'm exaggerating, consider Keith Olbermann's effort to connect Ron Paul -- a man devoted to peace and protecting the individual rights of everybody, a man who seems biologically incapable of malice -- to James von Brunn, the troubled 88-year-old man accused of carrying out the murderous shooting rampage at the Holocaust Museum.

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2 Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA - 3 InfraGard: The FBI Deputizes Business - 4 ILEA: Is the US Restarting Dirty Wars in Latin America? - 5 Seizing War Protesters' Assets - 6 The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act

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Having campaigned in the last pres election, You had the most enthusiastic supporters of ANYBODY, I have EVER SAW. My Goodness literally everywhere I went, they were running down highways holding your signs. I have never had a chance to tell you that
