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Philosophy: Objectivism

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Article Image, Aden Tate

I believe it was FA Hayek who once said that it wasn't until the time of the Holocaust that many Europeans finally realized that what was written in dry, old philosophy books could actually have a direct impact on their life.

Article Image, Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

As Jho Low was becoming the public face of an embattled Malaysian sovereign wealth fund known as 1MDB, the financier made friends in high places.

Article Image, By Bretigne Shaffer

Nyaa could not have known that the hot and dusty city she walked into was only beginning to wake from a long and dark slumber.

Article Image

The secret to stepping outside the box and releasing humanity's true potential revealed. As the globalists and social engineers attempt to shutter our minds and stifle our creativity, it is up to us to break the chains of collectivism and take huma

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The Atlas Society

December 3, 2014 -- We note with sadness the death today of Nathaniel Branden. His 20-lecture course, The Basic Principles of Objectivism, was the first systematic statement of the philosophy--and the first of many courses offered


People of this world make it a charming, exciting and confusing place. You must maintain the­ ability to deal with everyone, with your mind and spirit—at full­ bore. To see is to know and to know is to fall in love with ­living, throbbing life.

Article Image, by Alan Minsky

“Whatsoever you do for the least of My people, that you do unto Me.” --Matthew 25:40
