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World News

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Relatives of British residents still held by the US at Guantanamo Bay camp will learn on Thursday whether their latest legal moves to force the UK Foreign Secretary to seek their release have been successful. They have challenged the High Court

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NY Times

North Korea came under international condemnation today after boasting that it had tested a nuclear weapon, with strong criticism even from its allies, but there were doubts in the intelligence community about the strength of the device.

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Russia's defense minister said that North Korea's nuclear test was equivalent to 5,000 –15,000 tons of TNT. Far greater than the force given by South Korea's geological institute, which estimated it at just 550 tons of TNT.

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Time magazine

But U.S. officials tell TIME that many in the U.S. government are now convinced that Castro, 80, has terminal cancer and will never return to power. "Certainly we have heard this, that this guy has terminal cancer," said one U.S. official.

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North Korea claimed it has performed a successful nuclear test, according to that country's official Korean Central News Agency. South Korean government officials also said North Korea performed its first nuclear test, the South's Yonhap news

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Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, one of the most vocal critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Chechnya, was gunned down in Moscow today, the 3rd execution-style killing in the past 3 weeks.

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ABC News

A system of iron weirs in the Tigris River 20 miles southeast of Baghdad was designed to prevent lily pads, known here as "Nile flower," from traveling down-river and clogging canals vital to farmers for irrigating Iraq's south. But no

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Times Online

An outbreak of dengue fever has penetrated the residence of the Indian Prime Minister, infecting members of his family and putting pressure on his Government to declare an epidemic. The virus, which is carried by mosquitoes

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Christain Science Monitor

A test would shake up northeast Asia, sending shock waves through South Korea and possibly inciting a regional arms race - causing Japan and even South Korea to consider it a necessity to reverse course and develop their own nuclear deterrents.

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President Vladimir Putin has warned Georgia not to use the "language of provocation and blackmail" against Russia in a speech in parliament. The Duma went on to vote overwhelingly for a motion echoing Mr. Putin's condemnation of "

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Toronto Star

The Irish Republican Army has begun reducing its membership and shut down key units responsible for weapons-making, arms smuggling and training, and expert panel reported Wednesday in findings designed to spur a revival of

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WMD Insights

The current adminstration speaks about providing security for the nation. Well, can't blame this totally on them, but one of our allies in the fight on terror is Pakistan, and is home to the infamous Abdul Qadeer Khan. Great piece on his networ

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Georgia released 4 Russian officers whose arrest on spying charges has angered its giant northern neighbor, but a vengeful Russia pushed ahead with punitive sanctions aimed at dealing a painful blow to the economically struggling Caucasus nation.

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Christian Science Monitor

China has not been shy about its preference to see greater respect in Security Council deliberations for nation-states' rights, and less attention to individuals' universal rights - ideas implicit in Chávez's discourse.

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China has secretly fired poweful laser weapons designed to disable American spy satellites by "blinding" the senstive surveillance devices, it was reported yesterday. The hitherto unreported attacks have been secret by the Bush adminstrati

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People's Daily Online

Vietnam will not join the WTO before the APEC Summit meeting to be held in Hanoi in November at any cost, said a senior official. Vietnam will not accept irrational committments and requirements, (you mean the Communists understand free trade)

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CBS News

Despite the 47-year-old US trade embargo, today US companies are flocking to Cuba -- all because of a loophole Congress approved in 2000 that allows for the sale of American food to Cuba. What started as a trickle has turned into half billion dollar

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