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World News

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Chinese manufacturers have moved onto the global stage with unprecedented speed and efficiency. China is already the world's largest producer of aluminum, cement, copper, and steel. It dominates the low-end consumer market in everything from text

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The Independent

A catalogue of communication failures undermined the "heroic" efforts to rescue victims injured in the London bombings. The recommendations made nearly 2 decades ago, after the King's Cross fire, have not been acted on.

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[Perhaps a Bill of Rights? ;-)] European Union foreign ministers acknowledged there was no chance of rescuing the EU constitution before elections next year in France and the Netherlands where voters have already rejected the charter.

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New York Times

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari of Iraq today endorsed the right of Iran to pursue the "technological and scientific capabilities" needed to create nuclear power for peaceful purposes. (I guess this is what is mean by spreading democracy a

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Christian Science Monitor

As if thumbing its nose at international pressure for democratic reform, Syria has jailed writers, activists, and intellectuals over the past week in a sweeping crackdown on internal dissent. While those here who speaks out against the government

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South Africa's powerful COSATU labor union said the country was "drifting toward dictatorship" under President Thabo Mbeki. COSATU is the second member of South Africa's so-called "Tripartite Alliance" to openly criticize

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Saudi Arabia's education system continues to preach hatred for both Muslims and non-Muslims who oppose the ultraconservative state's version of Islam despite pledges of reform, a report published in the United States said.

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Mexican police brutally put down riots in a rebellious town outside Mexico City this month and sexually abused some two dozen women in the operation, a rights watchdog said on Monday.

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Christian Science Monitor

She's a lawyer - the former head of the Hong Kong Bar who believes deeply that Hong Kong will not get full democracy unless it fights harder. She's also got glam: more than six feet tall in a small-body society, charisma, and a top-shelf fash

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Guatemala's government said for the first time it wanted to investigate the disappearances of some 45,000 civilians during a bloody civil war and hoped to prosecute those responsible. Supposed communist sympathizers who were systematically detain

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Associated Press

f Arnold Schwarzenegger had migrated to Mexico instead of the United States, he couldn't be a governor. If Argentina native Sergio Villanueva, firefighter hero of the Sept. 11 attacks, had moved to Tecate instead of New York, he wouldn't have

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As the West debates the perceived Iranian nuclear threat, leaders of the world's 8 largest Muslim countries, collectively known as the D8, met over the weekend where they asserted the right of Islamic countries to peaceful nuclear energy.

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Raw Story

Murat Gezici, in his own words, has "never taken part in any political activities, ever." An agreeable, well-scrubbed native of the seaside town of Ceyhan in Turkey's southern Adana region, where his family has lived for generations, Ge

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Newhouse News Service

In the past, while Europeans, Asians and Arabs might have disliked American policies or specific U.S. leaders, they liked and admired Americans themselves. Polls now show an ominous turn. Majorities around the world think Americans are greedy, vio

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Washington Post

A Somali woman who moved to the Netherlands, won a seat in the Dutch parliament and became one of Europe's best-known champions of immigrant and Muslim women's rights, would give up her seat and leave the country because she is being stripped

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Christian Science Monitor

"Today it hit me, I am really in prison. I'm not sure how I feel," began the May 10 entry on Alaa Abdel-Fatah's popular Egyptian blog A pro-reform activist and prolific online critic of the Egyptian government, Mr. Abde

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Associated Press

Venezuela's congress, dominated by supporters of President Hugo Chavez, released a report recommending the state assume majority control of key heavy oil projects run by companies like Chevron Corp. and Exxon Mobil Corp. in its oil-rich Orinoco R

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Christian Science Monitor

Fiona Li did what millions of Chinese shoppers do to find a bargain: she went online. A few clicks later, she had a lead on where to buy the items her brother wanted for his new apartment. Instead of reaching for her credit card, though, she jotted
