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World News

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The $65 million communications satellite is part of a wider plan to raise the profile of the country, one of the world's top 20 oil producers, as a key player in the Central Asian region while maintaining good ties with neighbouring Russia.

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North Korea has accelerated preparations for testing an intercontinental ballistic missile and the launch could come as early as this weekend. Preparations to test a multiple-stage Taepodong 2 missile -- which could reach U.S. territory -- since earl

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"I've used a cookit for three months and it's really good, smokeless and less expensive," Leshom says, marvelling at the savings of both money and time as well as new income the small contraption has brought her. "I now use

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BBC News

Police in Iran have beaten a small group of women activists trying to hold a protest for greater legal rights in the biggest square of the capital. They were calling for equal divorce and custody rights and a ban on polygamy.

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The world increasingly fears Iran's suspected pursuit of a nuclear bomb but believes the US military in Iraq remains a greater danger to Middle East stability. Widespread concern over US detainee treatment in Iraq and places such as Guantanamo, i

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International Herald Tribune

A French member of the European Parliament, Alain Lamassoure, recently uttered the dreaded T-word — taxes — in connection with e-mail and mobile phone text messages, and in so doing earned the wrath of the Internet generation.

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Miami Herald

Five Cuban university students were suspended for up to five years for violations that their information technology school deemed ''very grave'': running chat rooms and using school servers to sell Internet access to others. Cuba**

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Ottawa Citizen

Canadian authorities detained an American activist filmmaker at the Ottawa airport late Wednesday night, confiscating his passport, camera equipment and most of his belongings. Canada agents stopped Alex Jones, whose films include Martial Law 9/11: T

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Fighters loyal to a US-backed Somali warlord alliance reinforced their last remaining stronghold as Islamist militia in control of the capital gathered for a feared attack. Heavily-armed gunmen backed by machine-gun-mounted pick-ups erected barric

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Associated Press

China's surging appetite for energy is engraved in the landscape of this gritty port city: waterfront piles of coal, gas pipes snaking along grimy roads, and tankers anchored amid islands where pirates once lurked.

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Loretta Napoleni(Anti-War)

With the "death" of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, may the light be shed on a man who was nothing but a two-bit thug, who wanted more to topple his own government in Jordan, and reluctantly joined Bin Laden to aid in his conquest of Jordan.

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Toronto Star

"The fanfare around the arrests creates such a theatrical atmosphere one wonders if it is necessary for the enforcement of justice.... It raises the emotional level without necessarily shedding any light," he said. In Brampton Saturday,

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Associated Press

An Islamic militia with alleged links to al-Qaida seized Somalia's capital after weeks of fighting with US-backed secular warlords, raising fears that the nation could fall under the sway of Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization. The ad

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The Guardian

Counter-terrorism officials conceded yesterday that lethal chemical devices they feared had been stored at an east London house raided may never have existed. A man was shot during the raid, adding to pressure on the authorities for answers about the

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Christian Science Monitor

As goes Montenegro, so goes Kosovo, Transdniestria, and South Ossetia? As Montenegro officially declared independence this weekend, a handful of obscure "statelets" are demanding the same opportunity to choose their own destinies.

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British anti-terrorist police are hunting for a “dirty” chemical bomb that could be used in an attack in Britain after a major raid failed to uncover a device they believe exists. Nothing suspicious had been found in an initial search of the property

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[Not happy with the major party's?] DUTCH pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations from 16 to 12 and the legalisation of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage