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Paul Craig Roberts

The Biden regime refuses to defend US borders but does not hesitate to rush aircraft carrier task forces and the 101st US Airborne Division to defend Israel's borders.

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CBS News

It's a state-of-the-art defense system that Israel began developing in 2006 and was implemented in 2011 that uses radar to intercept Rockets there are at least 10 Iron Dome batteries across Israel they follow the trajectory of rockets analyze if they

Article Image, Noa Tishby

The Land of Israel has changed hands many times over the centuries. But it has always been the homeland of one particular people. Noa Tishby, author of Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth, explains.

Article Image, Yoseph Haddad

He's also an Arab. Why would an Arab volunteer to join the Israeli military? If Israel really is an apartheid state, why would Haddad be proud to defend it? He explains.

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Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana'ani delivered a strong warning to Israel against committing any "foolish move" against Tehran, stressing that his country won't tolerate any act of aggression and will give a crushing and decisiv

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Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kana'ani delivered a strong warning to Israel against committing any "foolish move" against Tehran, stressing that his country won't tolerate any act of aggression and will give a crushing and decisiv