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IPFS News Link • Israel

Iran Warns Israel Against Any 'Foolish Act'


The spokesperson made the comments two days after the Hamas resistance movement staged a large-scale military operation against Israel in response to the desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque and increased settler violence.

"The Palestinian nation, whose rights have been violated by the Israeli regime for over 75 years, has a right to employ its capabilities to defend itself and ward off acts of aggression," Kana'ani told reporters on Monday.

Dismissing reports claiming that Iran is involved in the Palestinian resistance movement's unprecedentedly massive attacks against Israel, the top diplomat underlined that Palestinians have now reached a point to defend themselves by relying on their own might.

"Raising such claims is being done with political purposes to justify the failure of the Zionist regime and, of course, in a bid to justify the West's support for Israel and diverting public attention for next actions," he underscored.

The ministry spokesperson dismissed the Israeli threats against Iran, and warned that any "foolish action" by the Zionists would draw Iran's crushing and devastating response.

"The parties that issue threats (against Iran) must be mindful of their legal responsibilities. Such remarks result in accountability and they should bear in mind that Tehran is never constricted in defending its rights," the spokesman stressed, noting that Iran's responses have always made the aggressors regret their move.
