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IPFS News Link • Israel

Netanyahu's Speech Was As American As It Gets

• Caitlin Johnstone - Substack

The Israeli prime minister received no fewer than 58 standing ovations while speaking before both houses of Congress and spewing the most despicable lies you could possibly imagine in his conspicuously American accent. Depending on how politically aware you are, this spectacle could be perceived as either deeply un-American, or as American as it gets.

Netanyahu repeated evidence-free atrocity propaganda about what happened on October 7, falsely asserting that Hamas "burned babies alive" and killed two babies in an attic. He falsely claimed that Hamas "butchered 1,200 people", pretending it's not a well-established fact that many of the 1,139 Israeli deaths that day came from both indiscriminate IDF fire and deliberate targeting in implementation of the Hannibal Directive.
