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The United States, wallowing in arrogance and hubris, pretends to be "the world's sole superpower," the "exceptional and indispensable nation" chosen by history to exercise hegemony over the world.

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The United States, wallowing in arrogance and hubris, pretends to be "the world's sole superpower," the "exceptional and indispensable nation" chosen by history to exercise hegemony over the world.

Article Image, By NASSER KARIMI

Iran's state TV on Monday broadcast footage purported to show an Israeli drone the country's Revolutionary Guard claimed to have shot down over the weekend near an Iranian nuclear site.

Article Image, Washington's Blog

Preface: As part of our ongoing effort to expose propaganda techniques, we are posting the propaganda section of the Hasbara Handbook: Promoting Israel on Campus, originally leaked by Wikispooks.

Article Image, Paul Connett, PhD

Just occasionally during the long sordid history of fluoridation an individual stands up against the bullying tactics of the arrogant promoters of fluoridation.

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"The only hope for life and truth is that the world unite against these two criminal governments, isolate them diplomatically and economically, and make it impossible for their?officials to travel abroad without being arrested and placed on trial,"

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Terry Halbardier, who ? as a 23-year-old seaman in 1967 ? thwarted Israeli attempts to sink the USS Liberty, died on Aug. 11 in Visalia, California.