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Sarah Honig

The inherent illegitimacy of the Jewish state makes Jewish self-defense illegitimate. We may be attacked but we may not react. This is how it was in 1920. This is still how it is.

News Link • Global Reported By J E Andreasen
Article Image, Gareth Porter

The Barack Obama administration appears to have rejected a deal-breaking demand by Israel for an Iranian confession to having had a covert nuclear weapons program as a condition for completing the comprehensive nuclear agreement.

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Gil Ronen for Arutz Sheva

Ex-Minister of Knesset Aryeh Eldad notes that the US and Britain guaranteed Ukraine's security in exchange for nuclear disarming. Yep! You can take that to the BANK...

News Link • Global Reported By J E Andreasen
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To be sure, Truman had no regrets about Israel after he left office. Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion recounted how when, during a meeting in New York in 1961, he praised the former president for his “constant sympathy with our aims in Israel … tear