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"The threat of force remains, the threat is real," Kerry said at a news conference after a four-hour meeting with the Israeli premier. "Make no mistake, we have taken no options off the table," he warned [Syria.]

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Maayana Miskin for Arutz Sheva

Lieutenant-Colonel Shalom Eisner, who was filmed hitting a foreign anarchist during a violent protest last year, has signed a plea bargain that will mean the end of his IDF career.

News Link • Global Reported By J E Andreasen
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Channel 10 News Israel

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT and Orthodox Settler Chaim Attias saves the life of an Arab man in East Jerusalem who was electrocuted at his market stand outside Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City. For more information about United Hatzalah pl

News Link • Global Reported By J E Andreasen
Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

Though some intelligence analysts still doubt that the Syrian government launched a chemical attack, the political momentum for a U.S. retaliatory strike may be unstoppable. Broader framework of the crisis involves the Israeli-Iranian dispute...

Article Image, by Abby Zimet

With Israel facing growing global opposition and divestment movements, pro-Zionist propaganda efforts in the U.S. are increasingly aimed at winning young hearts and minds through groups like BlueStar PR, a California-based non-profit offering summer

Article Image, By Eilat Maoz

War in Israel has become a constant source of profit, with the West Bank and Gaza Strip used as experimental sites for arms dealers backed up by intellectuals. These are the protagonists of ‘The Lab,’ a new film by Yotam Feldman. In its exceptional i