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Elizabeth Warren Finally Speaks on Israel/Gaza, Sounds Like Netanyahu

•, By Glenn Greenwald
But last week, the liberal Senator appeared for one of her regularly scheduled "office hours" with her Massachusetts constituents, this one in Hyannis, and, as a local paper reported, she had nowhere to run.

One voter who identified himself as a Warren supporter, John Bangert, stood up and objected to her recent vote, in the middle of the horrific attack on Gaza, to send yet another $225 million of American taxpayer money to Israel for its "Iron Dome" system. Banger told his Senator: "We are disagreeing with Israel using their guns against innocents. It's true in Ferguson, Missouri, and it's true in Israel . . .  The vote was wrong, I believe." To crowd applause, Bangert told Warren that the money "could have been spent on infrastructure or helping immigrants fleeing Central America."