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IPFS News Link • Foreign Policy

U.S. Senators Urge Ecuador to Restore Relations with Israel


The successful campaign "Ecuador with Palestine," organized by civil society and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, resulted in 20 tons of medical supplies and other crucial donations that will be delivered to Gaza next week.

The end of the campaign on August 25 coincided with the sending of a letter by U.S. Republican Senators Marco Rubio, Bob Menendez, Mark Kirk and James Risch, urging the governments of Ecuador, Brazil, El Salvador, Peru and Chile to restore diplomatic relations with Israel.

The letter read, "Your actions send a troubling message to the United States about your government's commitment to long-lasting peace between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization."

In early August President Rafael Correa canceled a trip to Israel scheduled for the second half of this year. This decision was made in the midst of the Operation Protective Edge, which saw a ceasefire begin Tuesday after leaving more than 2200 Palestinians dead.

The government of Ecuador, recalled its ambassador in Tel Aviv and has opened an embassy in Ramallah.
