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Space Travel and Exploration

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Terrence Aym

The unusual Comet Elenin is expected to pass within 21 million miles of Earth on October 16, 2011 and speeding by at more than 85,000 mph—so fast it could travel from Earth to the Moon in less than five hours. Discovered by amateur Russian astronomer

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A photo may be worth 1,000 words, but a new depiction of NASA's Kepler mission is worth 1,235 potential alien planets. Created by a devoted mission scientist, the image takes stock of the Kepler observatory's prolific planet-hunting results so far.

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March 22, 2011, Centennial, CO, and Mojave, CA, USA: United Launch Alliance (ULA) and XCOR Aerospace announced today their successful hot-fire demonstrations of a lighter-weight, lower-cost approach to liquid-fueled rocket-engine vacuum nozzles. Th

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Terrence Aym

Mysterious caverns dotting the surface of Mars may harbor alien life. If life does exist there, Aron Kisdi, an engineer at the University of Southampton, U.K., thinks the fastest, cheapest way to find it is by sending in swarms of robots. While scien

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Terrence Aym

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has revised its earlier estimates of Earthlike worlds in our galaxy. Now the space agency believes up to 2 billion such planets exist. Stating that about one of every 37 to 70 type-G stars

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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The spacecraft is carrying high-res imaging equipment and an array of spectrometers which are amazingly kept at room temperature by its heat shields despite the proximity of the Sun. On March 23 these instruments will be switched on and tested befo

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Mercury is going so much faster than Earth that a spacecraft must gain about 65,000 mph to catch it. And once you get there, you're face to face with the searing heat of the sun."

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Terrence Aym

It's something the ancient Greeks could have only wished for: the Olympic torch being carried to the gods in Olympus and being lit by Apollo, the sun god. Now, Russia may fulfill the Greek's ultimate Olympic dream. Vitaly Davydov, deputy head of Ru

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Pancake-layers and a possible powdery flow are among the surface features of interest highlighted in this July 4, 2005, Deep Impact photo of Comet Tempel 1. The bright flash is where Deep Impact dropped an 820 lb copper projectile onto the comet. Sta
