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Space Travel and Exploration

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It’s official, thunderstorms create antimatter! NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope recently found evidence that thunderstorms on Earth actually shoot antimatter particles into space. “These signals are the first direct evidence that thundersto

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The coming year will be an important one for space weather as the Sun pulls out of a trough of low activity and heads into a long-awaited and possibly destructive period of turbulence. Many people may be surprised to learn that the Sun, rather tha

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Terrence Aym

NASA and contractor General Motors have officially unveiled the next-generation of space explorer, an android named Robonaut2 (R2). Designed by leading robotic engineers and artificial intelligence programmers, R2 pushes the envelope of smart machine

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the real news now

The BBC and Huffington Post are reporting that the New Zealand government has just released hundreds of classified files detailing reports and sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The reports span from 1954-2009. The documents allegedl

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The Guardian

A spacecraft has tasted oxygen in the atmosphere of another world for the first time while flying low over Saturn's icy moon, Rhea. Nasa's Cassini probe scooped oxygen from the thin atmosphere of the planet's moon while passing overhead at an alti

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Saturn's second-largest moon Rhea has a wispy atmosphere with lots of oxygen and carbon dioxide, a new study has found. NASA's Cassini spacecraft detected Rhea's atmosphere during a close flyby of the frozen moon in March. The discovery marks the fir