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Space Travel and Exploration

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"There are billions of comets in the solar system, but this will be only the fifth time a spacecraft has flown close enough to one to snap pictures of its nucleus," says Lori Feaga of the EPOXI science team. "This one should put on quite a show!"

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t the core of the system is a small piece of glass with a highly complex pattern inscribed into its surface. Called an Apodizing Phase Plate, or APP, the device blocks out the starlight in a very defined way, allowing planets to show up in the image

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During each month of YSS, NASA's Year of the Solar System web site ( will highlight different missions, planets, and night sky events, weaving together activities, resources, and ideas that teachers can use to build

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Virgin Galactic, which aims to become the world's first commercial company to promote space tourism, has already collected 45 million dollars in deposits from more than 330 people who have reserved seats aboard the six-person craft.

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The Real News Now

Four Russian-made rocket engines are on their way to NASA. The high-tech RD-180 boosters weigh over 5 tons. They are considered heavyweights in the engine world and will serve as boosters for the Atlas space rockets. (Atlas Rockets transport satellit

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agine this: A wedge-shaped aircraft attached to a supersonic jet engine is hurtling along an electrified track, carrying a pod or spacecraft destined for orbit. Sound farfetched? It may not be. A team of engineers from NASA's Kennedy Space Center

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The Real News Now

Just six miles of atmosphere separates mankind from outer-space. In fact, a rocket can travel from the surface of our planet to space in just five minutes. In space, everything is different. With no atmosphere, the human eye can literally see for hun

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