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Space Travel and Exploration

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Article Image, By Dan Leone

Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) and United Launch Alliance (ULA) are probing NASA for details about using space shuttle launch infrastructure at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida

Article Image, By Natalie Wolc

The agency's Near-Earth Objects Program head points out many fallacies, including the claim that an imaginary planet will collide with Earth in December. Thousands of astronomers have not seen this

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By Deborah Zabarenko

A strong geomagnetic storm is racing from the Sun toward Earth, and its expected arrival on Thursday could affect power grids, airplane routes and space-based satellite navigation systems, U.S. space weather experts said.

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In the spirit of the recent spate of “what to look for in 2012” lists – those all-important drivers of January magazine issues – I’ve assembled six exploration/astrobiology-related items that should loom large in the coming year

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Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) will launch the AsiaSat 6 and AsiaSat 8 commercial telecommunications satellites in 2014 under a contract announced Feb. 8 by satellite fleet operator AsiaSat of Hong Kong.

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My goal is to bring down the huge cost of spaceflight, allowing anyone from a curious high school student or basement tinkerer to a professional scientist to explore what has until now been the exclusive realm of governments and large companies.