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SpaceX’s Musk Lands on Forbes Billionaire List

• by, Forbes

Elon Musk, founder and chief executive of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), has seen his net worth rise from $680 million last October to $2 billion this year, earning him a spot on the 2012 Forbes Billionaires List, the magazine reports.

Musk benefited from a 30 percent increase in the stock price of his electric car company, Tesla Motors, which accounts for $1 billion of his net worth. His stakes in SpaceX and Solar City, a company that designs, finances and installs solar panels and systems, represent the other $1 billion.

“Musk thinks big and isn’t bothered by what might halt lesser risk-takers,” Forbes says. “Musk detailed to a conference outside San Francisco several years ago his vision for interplanetary living. Given his track record with other risky bets so far
