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Space Travel and Exploration

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(SpaceX) is a commercial company aiming to launch cargo, and eventually people, to low-Earth orbit. The firm is developing its Dragon capsule and Falcon 9 booster under contracts from NASA's Commercial Crew Development (CCDev) program and its Commerc

Article Image, By Irene Klotz

New analysis of 36-year-old data, resuscitated from printouts, shows NASA found life on Mars, an international team of mathematicians and scientists conclude in a paper published this week.

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Let's hypothetically assume that the removal of 10 large expired satellites per year will stabilize debris growth. Each object removal flight will likely cost about as much as placing a new satellite in orbit, say $200 million. Ten of these per year

Article Image, By Peter B. de Selding

APT Satellite Holdings of Hong Kong on April 1 said its Apstar 7 telecommunications satellite, launched March 31 aboard a Chinese Long March 3B rocket, was healthy in orbit and in the coming weeks would replace the retiring Apstar 2R spacecraft at 76

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"Our analysis finds this bright material originates from Vesta and has undergone little change since the formation of Vesta over 4 billion years ago," said Jian-Yang Li, a Dawn participating scientist at the University of Maryland, College Park. "

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The planet's diameter is 4,880km - about one-third the size of Earth It is the second densest planet in Solar System; 5.3 times that of water The Caloris Basin is the largest known feature (1,300km in diameter)

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British billionaire Richard Branson said Monday his venture to launch paying tourists into space has netted its 500th customer, and it's none other than Ashton Kutcher. Branson made the announcement on his blog, saying he gave the actor a quick ca

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Terrence Aym

New historical evidence has emerged of a shocking incident between the superpowers that almost turned the Cold War into a hot one. Fingers crept toward the nuclear trigger and launch codes prepared when American military and intelligence agencies dis

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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by Max Eddy,

Launched in 2009, NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer or WISE methodically snapped an infrared picture about once every 11 seconds for ten months — totaling around 2.7 million images — in an attempt to compile an atlas of the entire sky.