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Economy - Economics USA

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I came across this item on the subject of insider trading. Having spent years in the securities markets, the one thing that I am sure of is that legalizing insider trading is pretty well a trouble free proposition for a lot of good reasons. I am a

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The Market Ticker

Gee, who saw this one? Anyway, the point stands. The FDIC is clearly out of money, and this is nothing more than yet another legalized accounting fraud game, where they'll get "the money" now but allow the banks to "recognize" that "charge" over

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The Business Insider

Incompetence plus ideology equals bankruptcy. The FHA still backs toxic mortgages The FHA's mission is political: it is still trying to "expand home ownership.The discredited ideology of home ownership is the most toxic ideologogy since communism.

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This year is shaping up to be the first since 1992 to see the failure of at least 100 banks, and experts suggest we could be no more than 10% of the way through this cycle of bank collapses, which is sure to be the worst run of closures since the Gre

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These charts are interesting, and as grim as they are, they can’t hold a candle to how grim it really is. These are using the official bogus data! Show us the line that includes the millions of people who have dropped out the bottom and aren’t counte

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ME Hodges

This is a collection of easy-to-understand picture-reports to increase awareness of certain threats to the economic future & freedom of families and their children, compared to the past - - on family income, debt, savings, government spending, educat

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The political lobby for protectionism is naturally capricious. Thus we have had the economic insanity of the lumber battle which was paid for by American home buyers. It cost the American lumber industry little more than chump change to keep the war