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United Nations

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Article Image, By Paul Richter and Patric

Speaking with an unusually unanimous voice on a divisive issue, the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday approved a statement supporting former Secretary-General Kofi Annan's peacemaking efforts in Syria and the delivery of aid for victims of

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Thanks to two determined activists and others, the City of Irving (TX) decided not to renew their membership in ICLEI, the unconstitutional federation of local governments with both political goals (statist of course) and a foreign policy not permitt

News Link • Global Reported By Sandy Sanders

Activists in TN will have plenty of ammunition if this resolution condemning Agenda 21 and criticizing ICLEI by name! Half way home! The anti-Agenda 21 resolution passed the Tennessee House and goes to the Senate. There still is a bill in the TN S

News Link • Global Reported By Sandy Sanders
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Global Research, February 17, 2012

The Special Issue (vol 21 no 1) of the Amateur Computerist on Netizen Journalism and the story of the resistance to the NATO aggression against Libya is now available at the ACN website.

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A hacker has apparently targeted the United Nations (UN) website, releasing a list of the organization's potential vulnerabilities.