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IPFS News Link • Israel

Israeli Settlers Stealing Essential Water from Palestinians, UN Reports

 The UN's Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has released a report showing that Israeli settlers in the West bank have taken over dozens of natural springs from Palestinians there, preventing access to essential water sources.

The report said an OCHA survey carried out in 2011 identified a total of 56 springs that were under total or partial control of Israeli settlers, most in the part of the West Bank known as Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control.

"Springs have remained the single largest water source for irrigation and a significant source for watering livestock" for Palestinians, OCHA said, noting that some springs also provide water for domestic consumption.

"The loss of access to springs and adjacent land reduced the income of affected farmers, who either stop cultivating the land or face a reduction in the productivity of their crops."

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Mike Renzulli
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 If this report wasn't so unbelievable it would be laughable. I would take anything released by the UN regarding the Israel-Gaza conflict and dispute over Israeli setllements with a grain of salt. A good chunk (if not the vast majority) of countries that make up the United Nations are comprised of Islamic and Communist dictatorships who have formed a voting block against the United States and Israel.

I have no doubt at times European would be included in the anti-U.S. axis as well. Since this is the case, the international body will churn out reports like this to make Israel look bad as part of the Islamist and Communist delegitimization of Israel campaign.

Since Freedoms Phoenix's motto is "Uncovering the Secrets & Exposing the Lies" one would think it would be incumbent upon the person who posted this and other left-wing broo-haha to actually do his homework to see if it is true. I guess objectivity goes out the window when someone has an agenda.