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IPFS News Link • Israel

Markets Dump Then Rebound As Israel Retaliates To Iran In Oddly Toothless...

•, by Tyler Durden


Iran says its nuclear facilities remain unharmed: Reuters

Situation in Iran's Isfahan is normal, no explosion taken place on ground: PressTV

CNN: Two US oficials say Israel indicated they would not attack nuclear targets. US didn't "green light" this attack.

Unconfirmed: IRGC states that Iran will target Israeli nuclear sites with counterattack.

Iran Space Agency: "all that happened is a failed and humiliating attempt by Israel aviation" - via Sky News

Iranian officials and outlets are claiming that all explosions heard tonight are due to interceptions and that no explosions have occurred "on the ground"

Bloomberg: Israeli officials notified the US earlier today they planned to retaliate in the next 24-48 hours.

Tehran's Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA) tells passengers that all flights have been canceled and they should exit the airport.

Fox News: Israeli strikes in Iran came from unmanned aircraft

US claims IDF attacks in Iran were limited.

Three large explosions heard in Isfahan south of Tehran, US officials confirm.

The Natanz nuclear facility is located in Isfahan.

Unconfirmed simultaneous explosions have also been reported in Syria and Iraq (Baghdad and Babil/Babylon province).

Iran has established a no-fly-zone over its western region.

Market reaction: initial panic selling, but gradually as it becomes clear that this is just a token "scripted" response to the token "scripted" initial attack by Iran - which achieved absolutely nothing - markets are rebounding.