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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

America's Confused Commander-In-Chief Warns Israel Against Attacking Israel

•, by Tyler Durden

While Democratic strategists have long tried to downplay and dismiss President Biden's obvious age and cognitive issueswhich have been on continual display of latehe has just made fresh comments which illustrate the dangers of these persistent issues for the Commander-in-Chief and for the nation at a moment the Middle East stands on the brink of major war.

The 81-year-old president said in an interview with Nexstar Media's Reshad Hudson that he is urgently trying to de-escalate tensions centering on Gaza and Iran, following Iran's Saturday night unprecedented attack on the Jewish state. That's when he explained that he urged Israel to exercise restraint, and in his words he "made it clear to the Israelis: don't move on Haifa." Watch below:
