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IPFS News Link • United Nations


Activists: You have a powerful ally in your fight against Agenda 21! The Republican National Committee! The RNC at its Winter meeting condemned Agenda 21, called it socialistic, said ICLEI helps implement it, said it is a threat to national sovereignty and called on this plank to be part of the 2012 National Platform! Praise God!

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Comment by David Jackson
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 Too little WAY too late! Are we actually supposed to believe that the seel-outs in the Republican Party are all of a sudden in opposition to the world domination agenda of the freak show at the United Nations? Give me a break!!!!!

There is only one way to save us from the pervsions of U.N. machinations:  Send the whole cadre of social-engineering megalomaniaces and anti-American xenophobes back to the sewers of their own failed societies and cultures, and open the toilets in the building to the general public.

So long as the U.N. is "functioning" every person on earth, who isn't willing to comply with the dictates of U.N. czars is in danger of being enslaved, imprisioned, or slaughtered! Since April 25, 1945, the United States has been the target of the most insidious international coup in the history of the world. the so-called Republican Party has been complicit in this sell-out. If something isn't done to rid the world of this social, political, military, and economic monster, the end of civilization will be advanced by generations!