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IPFS News Link • Israel - Palestine

U.S. abstains from vote, allows U.N. to pass Gaza ceasefire resolution for first time

•, By Jake Smith

The United Nations (U.N.) passed a resolution on Monday calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war after the U.S. abstained from the vote.

The U.N. successfully passed the resolution, introduced by 10 member nations and backed by Russia, China and a host of Arab nations, calls for an "immediate and sustained cease-fire" in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza as well as the unconditional release of the remaining hostages in the region. The Biden administration chose not to veto the resolution by abstaining for the first time since the war began, allowing it to pass with unilateral support.

"This resolution must be implemented," U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said immediately following the vote on Monday. "Failure would be unforgivable."

The U.N. has taken up four similar resolutions since the war began on Oct. 7 but failed to pass them each time because of a U.S. veto, according to Axios. The U.S. chose not to veto the resolution on Monday because it includes a provision that demands the release of the hostages, one of the diplomats told Axios.

The U.S. also allowed the resolution to pass because it calls for an "immediate" ceasefire in Gaza rather than a "permanent" one, language that was included in a previous version of the draft. Also included in the passed resolution is a requirement that all international actors abide by international law and "deplores… all acts of terrorism."

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