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Legendary Republican operative Roger Stone claims in his new book that Lyndon Johnson arranged John F. Kennedy’s assassination, and that Richard Nixon and Johnson had a documented relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, ......

Article Image, By Paul Craig Roberts

Over the past month there has been a statistically improbable concurrence of events that can only be explained as a conspiracy to protect the dollar from the Federal Reserve's policy of Quantitative Easing (QE).

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The globalists are creating water dead zones which will allow the proliferation of algae growth and the oil companies have initially led the charge to convert our energy usage from oil to algae.

Article Image, 21wire

We’re going to start from square one – and rebuild the crime scene at Boston. There are certain initial reports from Boston have for the most part been scrubbed from the media record – not being acknowledged or pursued by all major corporate media an

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While police in Watertown, Massachusetts closed in on the boat in which 19-year-old terrorist suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had concealed himself, FBI investigators in Chicago were snapping handcuffs on 18-year-old Abdella Ahmed Tounisi as he attempted t

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The first step to subduing an enemy is to remove their command and control and that is accomplished by eliminating communications. This is precisely what the administration is poised to do and they are moving quickly towards this end. If the governme

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On the heels of the Boston false flag bombing, the government will need to keep our “children safe” through the massive rollout of the TSA at all sporting events, malls and shopping centers, bus depots, train stations and on the highways and byways o

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