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IPFS News Link • Boston Marathon Bombing


•, By: Devvy
 Bloggers who specialize in no facts, just rank speculation. Irresponsible people out to make a name for themselves or to get people to their web sites. They have zero credibility and hurt the rest of us by being lumped together. I have debunked conspiracy theories in the past based on documentation. I get attacked as if I'm the bad guy for pursuing the truth! There are conspiracies and cover-ups, but we want the truth, not speculation.

As someone who works at home, I have been able to see events as they unfold where most folks are at work; perhaps at school. Way back when, the Communist News Network (CNN) was pretty much the only source for manufactured "news" besides the "big three". The media lies about the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 were taken as fact until one of the FBIs CI's opened his mouth. It was a sting operation the FBI let get out of control: