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Article Image, Sethster82

The headquarters of the Boston Marathon is on lock down following an explosion near the finish line, Reuters reports.

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This was after the bombs went off. This was a report on another bomb going to be detonated by bomb squad. Please add some context to this. You are misleading your readers right now. A short read of the Boston Globe's twitter shows that this is not a

Letters to the Editor • Global
Article Image, By Ria Novosti

The death of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez from cancer may have been part of a plot by the United States to infect its enemies in Latin America with the disease, the leader of Russia’s Communist party, Gennady Zyuganov, speculated on Wednesday.

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Obama finally announced he will visit Israel. With Obama’s trip to slated for March 20 conspiracy theorists are running rampant with news of an ice statue exactly 666 meters from the Temple Mount.

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As soon as I saw video this morning of the meteor strike in Russia this morning, I KNEW that there would be crazy, half-baked, inane theories that it was OMIGOSH A WEAPONS TEST or something like that.

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The Political Commentator

A video that examines whether the nomination of John Brennan by Barack Obama to head the CIA has anything to do with blackmail related to Obama's passport and a company, Analysis Corporation, that had been headed by Brennan.

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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