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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

The Man Who Knew Where All The Bodies Were Buried

• Lew Rockwell blog

Now that the legendary Billie Sol Estes has died during this 50th anniversary year of the murder of John F. Kennedy, watch the establishment mainstream media fall all over themselves to demonize "the man who knew where all the bodies were buried."

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by Powell Gammill
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Dallas Police Honor Detective Jim Leavelle

The iconic officer in the cowboy hat, Jim Leavelle, the Dallas, Texas homicide detective who was escorting Lee Harvey Oswald through the basement of Dallas Police headquarters when Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby, was honored today by the Dallas Police Department. No mention was made of the fact that Leavelle knew Ruby prior to the shooting of Oswald.

Comment by TL Winslow
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Despite the lapse of time it's clear to any historyscoper that the JFK was a govt. conspiracy and coverup. First because patsy Oswald never had an escape plan, which indicates that he was part of a Mission:Impossile team and thought they were his escape plan, only to be cut loose and sacrificed while the rest made their getaways. Second because the govt. never entertained any conspiracy theories at all, but firmly stuck with the lone gunman story from the start.  Third because as the years went by it seemed too lucky for the govt. that lone gunman Oswald got pesky JFK out of the way, as in if he didn't do it they'd have had to do it themselves.  Of course anybody who could shake the official story had a habit of dying before his/her time, but there's still plenty they didn't cover up.

Scope all the key facts anytime with my free JFKScope:




Comment by Powell Gammill
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If THEY are willing to murder and cover up the murder of a popular President of the USA, what aren't they willing to do?

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