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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

What's unfolding right now in Michigan proves the "Great Replacement"...


The skeptics who brushed off the "Great Replacement Theory" as nothing more than fearmongering and a baseless conspiracy are having to eat a lot of crow today. Now, this isn't a moment for us to take a victory lap.

The skeptics who brushed off the "Great Replacement Theory" as nothing more than fearmongering and a baseless conspiracy are having to eat a lot of crow today. Now, this isn't a moment for us to take a victory lap.

And there's no clearer evidence of this agenda at play than what's happening right now in Michigan. The state's "Newcomer Renter Subsidy" policy is unfolding as a textbook case of the "Replacement Theory" turning into a stark reality.

This whole setup is essentially a gimmick where "eligible" households are offered up to $500 of taxpayer money each month to accommodate "newcomers"—a term used for what are, actually, illegals. What we're really seeing here is American tax dollars being handed over to non-Americans. It's a globalist strategy that's choking the life out of the middle class. As it stands now, we're on a collision course, where we're bankrolling our own demise. This kind of policy isn't just misguided; it's a direct hit to the principle of putting Americans first. It's the exact opposite of what we're fighting for, and that's why they're pushing it.
