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Politics: Democratic Campaigns

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Article Image, Jennifer Epstein

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will push this week to gain further ground against Republican nominee Donald Trump on the economy, countering a speech he is set to deliver Monday with her own on Thursday, her campaign said.

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Ron Paul Institute - Jacob Hornberger

Amidst the fury over the exchanges between Donald Trump and Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the couple who lost their son in Iraq, the mainstream media and mainstream political commentators are missing some important elements in the controversy.

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Years ago, Alvin Toffler convinced me that elections are merely reassurance rituals, and so I take no part in them. But these blaring spectacles - and especially the "every fourth year" variety - do have effects in the world, and so I peek in, By Jeff Zeleny and Tal Kop

The CEO of the Democratic National Committee and two other high-level staffers left the organization on Tuesday in the wake of the committee's hacked email controversy.

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Zero Hedge

"Clinton Cash" author, Peter Schweizer, recently took to the airwaves to explain why the IRS investigation of the Clinton Foundation should be a "big deal" (also see Clinton Cash: "Devastating" Documentary Reveals How Clintons Went From "Dead Broke"

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The Democratic Party that once was concerned with workers' rights, the elderly, civil rights, and the constitutional protections of America liberty no longer exists. The United States now has two Republican parties in service to the One Percent.

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According to Hillary Clinton's foreign policy adviser, she would order a "full reeview" of the Syrian war as her first task upon taking office, with an eye toward a "reset" of the conflict to shift focus toward attacking the Assad governmen