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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Clinton Plans Economic Speech Thursday to Counter Trump's

•, Jennifer Epstein

Clinton plans to cap two weeks of campaigning focused on jobs and the economy -- including a post-Democratic National Convention bus tour with running mate Tim Kaine -- with a speech in Detroit that campaign officials say will highlight the stark contrast between her views and those of Trump. The Republican nominee plans to address the Detroit Economic Club on Monday in an attempt to re-focus his campaign after a few especially rocky weeks.

"Donald Trump ceded the national conversation on the economy because he was focused on creating the scandal-of-the-hour, so he's now been forced to schedule a Monday speech in Detroit to try and reclaim standing on what was supposed to be the one sure-fire issue for him in this campaign -- the economy," the Clinton campaign said in a statement Sunday announcing her speech.

As Trump's attention was drawn to feuds and controversies, Clinton's across-the-board gains in polls conducted since the end of the Democratic convention have brought with them improved ratings for her on the economy.

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