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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

These People Frighten Me!

•, By Charles Goyette

Some years ago I wrote a piece for with the title THESE PEOPLE FRIGHTEN ME!

Except for everything Ron Paul said, those were the most memorable words uttered in all the 2008 presidential debates.

You may remember the moment.  It was in the first Democrat debate of the 2008 cycle.  One of the candidates, former US senator from Alaska Mike Gravel, looked at the candidates preening their bellicosity on the stage around him, including the notorious warmongers Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and said, "I got to tell you, after standing up with them, some of these people frighten me — they frighten me."

Gravel had long noted the madness of the political classes.  Years earlier in the Senate, Gravel distinguished himself for his opposition to the Vietnam War and the draft.

If Mike were alive today, he'd have more reason to be afraid than ever.  After all, that debate was before Libya and Syria.  It was also before almost four years of Biden, during which we've used Ukraine as a proxy in a needless war with Russia.  We've had the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, which like driving Russia into the arms of China, will have major reverberations in the future of the world order.   And we've had to live under the reality of Biden's mental deficiency which renders him capable of doing something catastrophic at any moment.  Something really crazy like what this Politico headline revealed just the other day:  Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia with US weapons.

As I say, any day now he could do something really crazy.  With the election approaching, we must hold our breath.