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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Biden is now being surrounded by a huge posse of aides during public strolls...


The posse of aides surrounding Joe Biden appears to be growing, a month after it was reported they are now joining him on the march from the White House to the presidential helicopter. 

A video of the president making his way to the chopper went viral after it showed around 10 people joining him as part of his the entourage, including White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre.

The aides think that having themselves walk between Biden and journalists' cameras will draw less attention to Biden's halting and stiff walk, Axios reported in April. 

The president was headed to Philadelphia for a campaign event to launch 'Black Voters for Biden-Harris,' as recent polling showed the Democratic ticket sagging with that group compared to four years ago.

It was just days after Biden was seen slowly shuffling out of a clothing store in his native Delaware. 

At 81 and as the oldest president in American history, Biden was seen slowly shuffling out of a Jos. A. Bank in Greenville holding a bag and accompanied by multiple Secret Service agents on Memorial Day Weekend.

The president flipped on his famous aviator sunglasses before getting back into his vehicle. 

Greenville is a short drive away from Wilmington, where the Biden family compound is located.

Biden is notorious for preferring his weekends in his home state to Washington or Camp David during his presidency. 

Voters have expressed concern about Biden's age as he seeks a second term. An NBC poll in April found that the idea that Biden 'may not have the necessary mental and physical health to be president for a second term' was a top concern for voters.