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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Hillary May Act Like a Dictator if Elected, But That Is Not the Worst Problem

• The Daily Bell

WND Exclusive Secret: Service Agent Warns of 'Dictator' Hillary: 'There are rules for the Clintons, and there are rules for everybody else' … Gary Byrne worked in the White House during the Clinton administration, but he wasn't among the speakers invited to give testimony at the Democratic National Convention last week of Hillary Clinton's character and deeds.  Had he been given the opportunity, his summary of Clinton would have been: "She's a dictator."  -WorldNetDaily

Hillary Clinton will likely act like a dictator if elected. But that is not the worst problem.

She has a special selection of character traits that will profoundly deepen whatever polarization accompanies her rise to power – which will surely be substantial.

Many are saying Donald Trump will win the election. But with overwhelming mainstream media support and with easily hacked Diebold machines installed in strategic regions of the US, Hillary has significant advantages The Donald does not.

Polls are being cooked too, as we have previously reported HERE. The recent narrative of Clinton's "fall" in polling numbers may be part of a larger strategic tale that will  soon be eclipsed by her rising numbers as she somehow "regains the trust" of the general electorate.

US elections, especially on the federal level, are elaborate staged productions. The players in many cases are hand-picked by a larger, shadowy elite running things in the background.

We've written articles about the Clintons' apparent sociopathy HERE and HERE. This WorldNetDaily article on a book about Hillary by Gary Byrne further confirms our perspective.
